Weekend Wall Mounts

I stayed home for less than 24 hours, but snapped a few photos on my return to Macomb. The above photo is an abandoned silo not far from my home near Stewardson, IL.

This is one of my favorite photos from 2012. Though this may not say much to an average person, this speaks volumes for what many experienced this summer. These strips of corn were left for insurance purposes, the rest of the field was silaged in early July. The farmer never bothered to return for the strips. The added rainfall has led to infestations of weeds and overgrowth in many of the fields in the area. It's one of the few areas where the evidence of the drought is still apparent. For me, the photo is very symbolic of life, following disaster.

These beans have become overgrown by grass and weeds following above average precipitation for August and September near Green Creek, Illinois. The soybeans have struggled to dry down due to a late reproductive stage, while the roundup sprays from the spring have had little effect on weeds this late in the year.

Outside Springfield, IL I began to notice a partial rainbow. It wasn't until I was well out of the town before I saw the halo and weak sundog. Sundogs are an optical phenomena most common during winter months when the sun is low and when ice crystals are prevalent. They form horizontal with the sun on sun halos. Often sundogs are several times brighter, but cloud cover hindered this particular doggy. This photo was snapped just outside Petersburg, IL.